Developing your message – that key statement that explains who you are as an organization, what you stand for and why customers should choose you – is vital to getting the best possible outcome from your marketing investments.
Every situation is different, so there is no simple pattern to follow. But there is a thought process that can help you share who you are in compelling, inspiring and clearly understood ways.
Let’s take a look at how BlueStar got to its main marketing message of “Never Stand Still. Always Stand Out.”
We chose BlueStar as our Agency Name because Blue Stars are the brightest, hottest and most active in the universe. Among the billions and billions of stars, Blues are the most noticed and most powerful. We help our clients become Blue Stars – so they stand out from the rest of players in their universe.
Never Stand Still.
If you think back to middle-school science class, you’ll remember the universe is always expanding – stars are always moving. The most successful marketers are always moving, too. They are looking for new ways to be noticed. New, relevant stories to tell. New technologies that move the needle. New insights into what’s important to their customers. New alliances to forge and new paths to understanding and building desire. To be successful, especially over time, you “Never Stand Still.” Go static and you might as well go home.
Always Stand Out.
Customers and prospects have no reasons to care about you. Unless you create some. That’s why you need to learn what’s important to your customer and prospect universe. Why you need to understand their motivators. Understand what your competition is doing. Grasp the bold and attention-getting, without overstepping the boundaries of believability and relevance. You need to be different enough to steal the attention, build the interest, start the dialog and have the customer feel confident they are making the right choice – because you are not like everyone else. You “Always Stand Out” because you are better. You stand out to give them reasons to believe.
What’s Your Message?
Start with a thought process. Include your customers’ thought processes. Change your point of view to their point of view. Look at your competition. See what important issues are being overlooked and creating opportunity gaps. Then chart a course to boldly go where no company has gone before.